Winter Practicum Test Answers

DNA Doe Project recently concluded the winter practicum program (formerly called the apprentice program), which occurred over four weeks in January 2023. The practicum program provides experienced genetic genealogists with the opportunity to work on a real, unsolved unidentified remains case, giving them practical experience in investigative genetic genealogy (IGG).

Online lectures are provided two evenings a week, making it accessible to participants from across the US and Europe and those who work during the day. Participants also use the same platforms and tools used by DDP’s teams of investigative genetic genealogists, and they learn strategies and ethics from the best in the business.

Applicants to the practicum program are considered based on their answers to the application exam, and must be new to the field of investigative genetic genealogy.

Questions and answers from the winter practicum exam are in a pdf here, along with helpful links to educational resources for those wanting to learn investigative genetic genealogy.